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Thursday, August 27, 2020
In Land Barge Transportation in Europe and China Research Paper
In Land Barge Transportation in Europe and China - Research Paper Example Europe then again lies a huge number of miles from china and is a whole mainland with many created nations. This is apparently the main landmass on the planet comprising of just created nation. The area utilizes a solitary cash a factor that permits free development of products and work over the nations in the landmass. The area too has a viable transportation foundation, which incorporates condition of expressions of the human experience streets and productive rail organize inclusion of the whole locale. Aside from these, the area appreciates a wide access to significant water world water bodies and various inland lakes all of which further require the utilization of the inland freight ship as a methods for transportation. With such foundations, the districts irrefutably utilize inland freight boat as a methods for moving the two products and work all through the areas. The history if the methods for transport goes back to the seventeenth century when the districts utilized everyday innovations to control the machines. The productivity the districts appreciated from the utilization of the transportation framework prompted the improvement of the locales and the cutting edge innovation keeps on culminating the machines to expand their unwavering quality creation them of most extreme applicable to the advanced society and the current improvement process. The theme is along these lines researchable since it is apparent that the method of transport added to the improvement of the area and it is theorized that the two districts utilize various innovations to control the machines and utilize the machines in various employments. The case that inland freight boat is a more effective methods for moving products than rail and streets is likewise worth exploring since regardless of the cases, the two areas despite everything have broad street and rail inclusion and utilize these to ship merchandise over the locales. In spite of these, the land setting of the two districts and the separation isolating the two areas represent an incredible test in leading the examination (Kuada, 2012). The extent of the examination is too wide to even consider collecting the information inside the set time of two months. The examination along these lines requires a huge spending plan if the scientist is to utilize a portion of the including methods for information assortment. Be that as it may, to cure the difficulties presented by these, the exploration accept both a subjective and quantitative examination structure. Melding the two in many investigates regularly extends the extent of the examination yet the range in this setting is wide as of now and in this way unpredictable. The subjective part of the examination strives the highlights of the methods for transportation and the uniqueness of its work in the various districts. Discovering information for this kind of examination isn't troublesome since everything depends on the past works done by different researche rs and specialists (Rajendra, 2011). This along these lines makes this part of the exploration a substance investigation of the structures of the method of transportation and the various highlights it has. The quantitative part of the exploration depends on the quantifiable segments of the transportation framework in the two locales. This kind of exploration makes correlation simpler to lead since the specialist will require just a functional variable or various serviceable factors that apply to the two areas and think about
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Native American Healing And Dance :: essays research papers
Local American Dance and Healing Local Americans in Contemporary Society: The populace in the United States has expanded consistently in the twentieth century. In 1990 the quantity of Native Americans was just about 2,000,000, 8 percent of the aggregate populace. Somewhat more than 33% live on a booking; about half live in urban zones. Indian reservations work as autonomous governments inside the administrative structure. Among a considerable lot of the Native Americans, there are numerous melodic styles, singing is the prevailing type of melodic articulation, with instrumental music serving principally as musical backup. All through the Americas the chief instruments have been drums, woodwinds, and whistles. The American Indian lived life in adoration with nature. Their astuteness appeared in everything, their ability for congruity with the earth, what they wore, what they made, what they ate and how it was readied, in their methods of reasoning and convictions. Music and move were limited to the local world or offered in vacation spots as a delineation of a way of life obscure to numerous individuals. In the course of recent years there has been an increased enthusiasm for every single Indian thing, for example, in their specialty. Articulation in the workmanship what's more, move among North American individuals this piece of life as capacity and function as it is beautification or execution. Today the Indian Arts have been â€Å"discovered†, and a huge cross segment of humankind is making the most of its inborn greatness, imperativeness, creativity and custom they offer to the heart and head. Men’s Traditional Dance: They hit the dance floor with overstated development over the midriff to reenact chasing, following, or battling, yet overwhelming grounded, level footed failure body. This move began with individuals from warrior social orders on the Great Plains. Outfits incorporates a hawk quill clamor and hair bug made of porcupine plumes. Women’s Traditional Dance: This move is incredibly turned around in nature, basically a solitary or twofold advance done in a circle. Once in a while as an all over development is done while remaining set up. Ensembles for women’s conventional move likewise stays ancestral explicit, and some of the time with expound beadwork on a long buckskin or exchange fabric dresses. Step Dances: This move they get into nature by method of cadence and it can make your body more advantageous and assuage pressure. Local Americans accept at that point and still accept now that when the body works in amicability with nature, the characteristic rhythms of the body and soul work together. It is that vitality that makes one entirety. In the Native step moves, in the territories of the local countries, when they get into mood with nature then your body gets more beneficial, your psychological pressure is soothed and you become an entire individual
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Topics for the Toronto School of Law Program
Essay Topics for the Toronto School of Law ProgramEssay topics for the Toronto School of Law program are chosen to fit within the student's strengths and interests. The essays have an average length of approximately ten thousand words, but some students write them longer or shorter. Essays help you get an idea of what your degree is all about and give you a reason to achieve the grade that you want.If you're a good essay writer, you may be given essay topics to choose from. If you do not possess these skills, you should first try and find a mentor who will give you advice on writing essays. The requirements are fairly simple: you must show examples in your work or family life; present in words the importance of the topic you choose; show your knowledge on the subject; use good grammar; and include a conclusion that gives information on how you feel about the topic.The school requires certain guidelines for essay topics for the Toronto Law program. These guidelines help the faculty to be sure they have covered all areas that will be taught in the program. The teachers also assign topics based on their past experience in teaching law. Essay topics need to be relevant to the education in the school.Students who are self-starters are required to create topics for this program using the special needs and experiences that they may have. There are many students who just can't think of anything, so they ask their mentors for ideas and get an idea from them. The essays must be written within the limitations and directions that the program requires.During the application process, the student must indicate whether or not they want the program to apply a critical examination to their essays. This means that the teacher and other instructors will read it and comment on it. The writing department has authority to waive this requirement if it is not done, though.The first step in writing essay topics is preparing. You should consider the subject matter, which you will cover i n your essay, and your own abilities. When you are ready, the faculty will select your topic from among those submitted by students.Some essay topics that the Toronto School of Law has had success with are compensation cases, litigators, hospital litigation, marriage contracts, law societies, mortgage foreclosures, corporate attorneys, and employment law. Some others have included divorce, credit card companies, and property damages. With the growing number of lawyers in Toronto, the programs must keep up with these demands.In order to be successful, students need to write unique and original essay topics for the Toronto School of Law program. By knowing your strengths and interests, you will be able to create your own topic. This is the first step to writing the perfect essay for the Toronto School of Law program.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Alabama Bus Boycott A Civil Association For The...
Following the seemingly successful 1950’s Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott, a protest for segregation where African Americans under the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) refused to ride Alabama buses, ending after 381 days when the Supreme Court ordered Alabama to integrate its bus systems, the state figuratively dragged its heels in changing its transit. In fact, ten years later when the Supreme Court ruled segregated buses unconstitutional nationwide, yet southern states still refused to integrate their buses, despite attending college for a ministerial career and knowing the likelihood that the southerners would violently resist, James L. Farmer Jr. , a Gandhi-influenced activist, saw the opportunity to hold these states accountable. To do so, Farmer, organizing what he came to call â€Å"Freedom Rides†, set out to train 12 volunteers along with himself in nonviolent protest to prepare the riders to ride through those stubborn states , in turn desegregating them . While acquiring his degree from Howard University, the college where he decided to co-found and Direct the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Farmer studied Gandhi, this strongly influencing the activist to approach the protest peacefully . Choosing to model the Freedom Rides after a similar bus protest, Farmer followed Bayard Rustin’s â€Å"Journey of Reconciliation†; however, unlike Rustin, Farmer emphasized thoroughly training his riders in a three-day workshop that focused onShow MoreRelatedAlabama Bus Boycott : A Civil Association For The Advancement Of Colored People1528 Words  | 7 PagesFollowing the seemingly successful 1950s Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott, a protest for segregation where African Americans under the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) refused to ride Alabama buses, ended after 381 days when the Supreme Court ordered Alabama to integrate its bus systems, the state figuratively dragged its heels in changing its transit. In fact, ten years later when the Supreme Court ruled segregated buses unconstitutional nationwide yet southernRead MoreShort Speech On Rosa Parks1003 Words  | 5 PagesRosa Parks was a Civil Rights Activist born February 4th in the year of 1913. Rosa Parks was the first born child of James and Leona Edwards McCauley. Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. Later Rosa Parks moved to Montgomery, Alabama as a child and would later in her adult life work as a seamstress. Rosa Parks lived on a farm with her family in Montgomery. Rosa Parks was also known as the â€Å"mother†of the boycott. In a town in Alabama called Montgomery, on December 1st in the year of 1955 afterRead MoreThe Montgomery Bus Boycott And The Civil Rights Movement1045 Words  | 5 PagesThe Montgomery Bus Boycott was a year-long protest, in which African-Americans refused to ride the segregated public buses in Montgomery, Alabama. Lasting approximately 381-d ays, the Montgomery Bus Boycott started on December 5, 1955, and ended on December 20, 1955 (Montgomery Bus Boycott, 2010). During this time period, Jim Crow laws had just become prohibited. However, Jim Crow laws were the way of life in the South, so even though they were prohibited they were still in full action and strengthRead MoreThe Life Legacy of Rosa Parks Essay958 Words  | 4 Pageswalk, but please children and grownups, don’t ride the bus at all on Monday. Please stay off the buses.†What would cause someone to say these words? The woman who started a movement to end Jim Crow and allow African-Americans to have the same rights as any other American. The woman’s name is Rosa Parks. Thesis: This African-American civil rights activist’s refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus helped spark the civil rights movement of the 1950s. Preview: Today I’llRead MoreRosa Parks and Her Courage1341 Words  | 6 PagesAmericans. She lived in a time when equality wasn’t really equal. When African Americans were scared/ weren’t allowed to state their opinions on different matters. However, Rosa Parks was an individual who stood up for herself. Rosa Parks helped the Civil Rights Movement and African Americans gain equality mainly through her courage and refusal to move. Nearly 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans in Southern states still inhabited a starkly unequal world of disenfranchisementRead MoreRosa Parks And The Civil Rights Movement1082 Words  | 5 Pages African American, Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February 4th, 1913. Rosa was a civil rights activists and worked really hard to change the ways in Alabama. Rosa Parks was the start of a new beginning. She was the reason people had the courage to stand up for what they believed in. She also started the up rising of The Montgomery Bus Boycott and did a great change in the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks’s childhood consisted of racial discrimination and activism for racial equalityRead MoreThe Courage Of Rosa Parks1566 Words  | 7 Pageswhite passenger on a Montgomery bus. Because of her bold action she became a model to millions. Parks was an African American woman who became known for her bravery, which helped to change the nation. ‘’Parks spent most of her life fighting for desegregation, voting rights, and was active in the civil Right Movement that has changed social code in the U.S.’’(Rosa Rosa Parks is a pione er for her brave act; her belief in equality, justice, and advancement for African American has impactedRead More The Civil Rights Movement in 1955 Essay1725 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement refers to the political, social, and economical struggle of African Americans to gain full citizenship and racial equality. Although African Americans began to fight for equal rights as early as during the days of slavery, the quest for equality continues today. Historians generally agree that Civil Rights Movement began with the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 and ended with the passing of the Voting Rights Act in 1965. Despite the 14th and 15th constitutional amendmentsRead MoreThe Mother of the Freedom Movement: The Montgomery Bus Boycott782 Words  | 4 Pageshelped cause the civil rights movement in the United States, and her name was Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was an African-American civil rights activist. Many know her by â€Å"the first lady of civil rights†or â€Å"the mother of the freedom movement.†Rosa Parks once said, â€Å"I’d see the bus pass everyday, but to me, that was a way of life; we had no choice but to accept what was the custom. The bus was among the first ways I realized there was a black world and a white world.†(The Story Behind The Bus) After she saidRead More Montgomery Bus Boycotts: Role of Women in the Civil Rights Movement1118 Words  | 5 PagesMontgomery Bus Boycotts: Role of Women in the Civil Rights Movement During the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, women played an undeniably significant role in forging the path against discrimination and oppression. Rosa Parks and Jo Ann Robinson were individual women whose efforts deserve recognition for instigating and coordinating the Montgomery Bus Boycotts of 1955 that would lay precedent for years to come that all people deserved equal treatment despite the color of their Alabama Bus Boycott A Civil Association For The... Following the seemingly successful 1950s Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott, a protest for segregation where African Americans under the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) refused to ride Alabama buses, ended after 381 days when the Supreme Court ordered Alabama to integrate its bus systems, the state figuratively dragged its heels in changing its transit. In fact, ten years later when the Supreme Court ruled segregated buses unconstitutional nationwide yet southern states still refuse to integrate their buses, despite attending college for a ministerial career and knowing the likelihood that the southerners would violently resist, James L. Farmer Jr. , a Gandhi-influenced activist, saw the opportunity to†¦show more content†¦In 1938, intending to pursue a career in religion, James L. Farmer Jr. decided to take after his father, James Farmer Sr. (a methodist minister), by attending Howard University’s Divinity program (Titus). During hi s time there, Farmer Jr. studied Mahatma Gandhi s â€Å"Satyagraha†, a non-violent resistance technique that requires those who follow it to seek truth in a spirit of peace and love as well as refuse to cooperate with violent objectors ( Four years later, James L. Farmer Jr. graduated in 1941 with a divinity degree; however, despite his father disapproving, Farmer chose to cofound Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) as the organization’s director with George Houser, a college classmate, in 1942 rather than continue on with ministerial work ( Altogether, Farmer graduated Howard with: support from those who joined CORE and inspiration from Gandhi’s Satyagraha technique, both of which he could then apply to resist segregation in the South. In fact, fourteen years later, Farmer recognized the opportunity to incorporate his non-violenct, civil resistance when several southern states continued to separate blacks from whites on their trans it system after the Supreme Court ruled segregated buses unconstitutional in 1956. This inspired Farmer to initiate â€Å"Freedom Rides†, consisting of civil-rights activists from CORE testing the new law by riding in designated white
Friday, May 15, 2020
Differences Between American And Chinese Cultures - 932 Words
Nowadays, exploring the differences in overall cultural value structures among different cultures has gradually grew business’s attention across the world. No matter small companies or global conglomerates, how to get involve and maintain their competitive advantages and long-term sustainable success in global business trade has been a heated topic to discuss. To fully understand the ethic differences and cultural influences, the following four aspects will help us to uncover the similarities and differences between the American and Chinese cultures. Business Perspective In a business perspective, the oriental and western cultures remain a huge difference. Low-context societies such as American egalitarian culture, they emphasize on logic and facts, verbal messages are more direct and concise, individualism and extremely tolerant to changes. However, high-context societies such as Chinese hierarchy culture, they prefer non-verbal methods to express meaningful communications, group-oriented, and pay more attention to interpersonal relationships during business interactions. For example, a successful business interaction will count on interpersonal relationships among businesses and government. On the other hand, business dealings can be completely transactional with Americans, without building relationships to do so. Nevertheless, according to the Hofstede five cultural dimensions, the masculine element in two cultures are both success oriented and driven. For example,Show MoreRelatedChildcare Differences Between American And Chinese Culture Essay1670 Words  | 7 Pagesin many ways compared to American childcare. Generally speaking, this occurs from generations of cultural differences. What are the differences? The main focuses are on values, punishment, actions, and education. We can also compare childhood, adolescence, and maturity. These certain values help mold a culture and shows how a parent chooses to bring their children up in society. Childcare differences show us habits, morals, and the intentions of a child in these cultures, all creating different effectsRead Moreï » ¿Differences between Chinese and American food culture956 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Differences between Chinese and American food culture The histories, boundaries, population, religions, politics, folks, economy of America and China are not the same, so the food culture of the two countries are not the same. Chinese culture starts from 1,700,000 years ago. When someone says something about Chinese food culture, they must praise the color, taste, smell, shape of the Chinese dish and the types of the dish. Most of people in China are used to have rice and wheat as theirRead MoreComparison Of American And Chinese Legal Culture1609 Words  | 7 PagesComparison of American and Chinese legal culture Abstract: The legal culture is a national, regional or national basis in certain social and material conditions, the state power by the creation of a common legal system constraints and determine the status of the legal system of values and attitudes in the whole society and culture. Thus, each country has its own unique legal culture. By selecting the most typical American and Chinese legal cultures of two different aspects: the legal standard, comparativeRead MoreChina And The United States1167 Words  | 5 PagesChina and the United States has its own unique culture. What is culture? According to Kluckhohn and Kroeber ‘Culture consists in patterned ways of thinking, feeling, and reacting, acquired and transmitted mainly by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups’ (Dowling, Festing, Engle, 2013, p. 24). There are many interesting facts surrounding their culture. In this paper I will compare China’s culture to the culture of the United Stat es to determine if China is a good matchRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan Essay1377 Words  | 6 PagesJoy Luck Club is a novel by Amy Tan which tells the individual, cohesive stories of Chinese American daughters and their Chinese mothers. In each story, the cultural differences between mother and daughter acts as a wedge between them. The conflicting cultures of descent and consent causes a conflict between mother and daughter; although they ultimately want to have a relationship with each other, the differences in values make coming together harder. For the mothers, their expectations for theirRead MoreA Comparative Study of Family Values Between China and America960 Words  | 4 PagesA Comparative Study of Family Values between China and America Introduction We were born into a familyï ¼Å' mature in a familyï ¼Å' form new familiesï ¼Å' and leave them at our death. Family life is a universal human experience. The family is among the oldest and the most fundamental of all human institutions. As we know that family is the miniature of the societyï ¼Å' and therefore different family values are the reflections of distinguishing cultures in different countries. In order to get the betterRead MoreAmy Tan s The Joy Luck Club1097 Words  | 5 PagesCulture defines humanity. Culture makes humans different than any other living organism ever known. Culture is what makes humans unique, and yet culture is easily the most misunderstood characteristic of individuals. In Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan develops the theme of incomplete cultural understanding leads to an inability to communicate one’s true intentions through juxtaposition and conflict between mothers and daughters and their cultures. The conflicting Chinese culture of the mothers’Read MoreHa Jin Children As Enemies Summary748 Words  | 3 Pagesfamily along with their importance to an individual changes from culture to culture and even, in some cases which seem to become more and more common in the present times, from generation to generation. Due to this, many clashes have occurred between members of the same family who happen to be part of different generations, or cultures. These clashes become even more intense when the members of the family are from both different cultures and generations. Clashes like these could lead to the family beingRead MoreCultural And Social Capital Theory999 Words  | 4 Pagesaffecting the academic success of Chinese students in Los Angeles Community College. The results of the study indicated that the aspirations of obtaining a higher level academic degree and then transferring to a four-year college or university were considered as the best predictors of academic su ccess for Chinese international students. Whereas, English proficiency was considered to be a weak factor and social interaction factors were not too much related to Chinese international students’ academicRead MoreChinese Relations Between Chinese And American Businesses912 Words  | 4 PagesWith the increasing global economy, it is no surprise that Chinese and American businesses are working together more closely. Despite the anti-Chinese rhetoric that is common in politics, the fact remains that the globalization of business will see the Chinese and Americans crossing paths and working together. Due to the hyperbole involved in politics, myths are common involving Chinese business practices. A closer analysis will likely dispel the common myths involving business practices in China
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Us Housing Back In Frothy Territory. The Us Housing
Is US Housing Back in Frothy Territory? The US housing bubble and crash of the early 21st Century was unusual in that it was a truly national phenomenon. Historically, the bulk of residential real estate boom-bust episodes were usually regional. The consolidation of the US banking system, whereby banks merged across state borders, helped to sow the conditions where housing cycles became less provincial. Additionally, the growth of the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) facilitated the expansion of a national mortgage market. Recently, some commentators have been noting that the post-Great Recession recovery in US housing has reached dangerous levels, thereby implying that the sector could be experiencing another bubble. Consequently,†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile, yearly house price inflation rates in the top 20 cities are running in line with the national trend. The cities with the highest rates of increase are Seattle (+12%), Portland (+10%) and Dallas (+9%). Lower tier property prices appear to be more vo latile than their high end counterparts in both Seattle and Portland. Meanwhile, the three cities with the lowest rates of house price inflation are New York (+3%), Washington (+4%) and Cleveland (+5%). Furthermore, rising house prices appear to be having an adverse impact on affordability. According to the National Association of Realtors, rising prices are offsetting higher disposable incomes and stable mortgage rates, and affordability has consequently been declining since January 2015. Partly driving the increase in prices is a lack of available supply of existing single family homes for sale. The number of months’ of unsold inventory was just below 4 in March and availability has been gradually falling since 2014. Additionally, there is a relatively tight supply situation for new single family homes for sale, which is also helping to support prices. Housing starts for single family homes have been gradually recovering to an annual construction rate of 800K since the Great Recession, but they remain substantially below the 1.2 million peak level that prevailed during the previous expansion. Rising prices should seemingly encourage higher levels of homebuilding activity. The apparent lack of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Private Cable TV Essay Example For Students
Private Cable TV Essay Private Cable TVThe times are achanging How France, Germany and Sweden introduced private, cable and satellite TV acomparison over the past 10 years. 1. INTRODUCTIONWhy we have chosen this subject?Before starting to write about TV in Sweden, Germany and France, we wanted tocompare French,German and Swedish media. But on account of the wideness of thisanalysis, we decided to focus on the evolution of TV broadcasting during theselast 10 years. The technical revolution which has appeared in this area since 1980 is necessaryto be understood to be able to follow and forecast what will happen in thefuture when multinational companies can take a look on pan-european broadcasting. In this paper we try to make the point on this changes. Furthermore as we camefrom different countries and live now in an other one, we found it interestingto compare the three countries (France, Germany and Sweden) TV-broadcastingsystem. While we were searching for datas, we discovered the gap that exists in cable-covering between France and the two other countries. What are the main reasonsof this delay? Are they political, financial or cultural? We will try to answerthese questions in our paper. But we will first define the different technicalterms that we are going to focus on. Then we will developp the birth of privatechannels, their regulations, laws and financing in the different countries. 2. BASICSIn our paper you will find the following technical terms:terrestrial broadcasting: this is the basic technology used to broadcast radioand TV. Its the use of radio-frequencies that can be received by a simpleantenna. The problem by using terrestrial broadcasting is, that you only have afew (up to max. 7) possible frequencies and that you need to have expensivetransmitters every 100-150 kms to cover an area. Programms which are broadcasted terrestrical are e.g.: Swedish TV 1, 2 and 4;German ARD, ZDF, 3. Programme and some private channels in urban areas; FrenchTF 1, France 2 and France 3. cable TV: the reason why you have only a few frequencies by using terrestrialbroadcasting is that terestrial broadcasting is influenced by physical phenomens(bandwith) whereas broadcasting in a cable is shielded/protected from outsideinfluences. So you can have more channels on the same bandwith-space. Forexample: a cable might carry 7 programmes catched with an antenna fromterrestrical transmitters and additional 25 satellite channels (maximum 30-35different channels in one cable). Instead of connecting to an antenna cable-households connect their TV-sets to the cable-network. satellite broadcasting:a satellite is a transmitter that is positioned on a course in space 40.000 kmsfar from earth. The advantage of this technology is to cover a wide area withonly one transmitter. Modern direct broadcasting satellites (DBS, e.g. Astra)can be received by small ( 30cm) and cheap ( 2.000:- SKR) satellite-dishes. To connect a TV-set to the dish you also need a device that converts thereceived satellite-signals to signals that can be used by a standard TV-set. In the beginning (80s) this technology needed huge and expensive dishes and wasonly used to transmit signals to cable-networks. Newer technology is oftencheaper than connecting a house to a cable-network. In east-Germany the GermanPTT (Telekom) is competing with their cable-network against the cheap satellite-dishes. The most tranceiver-signals on DBS-Astra are booked by British (NBC-Super, MTV) and German (RTL, SAT-1) broadcasters. Satellites can also beused for telephone-connections, TV- or radio-broadcasting. 3. TV-BROADCASTING IN FRANCE3.1 HISTORYTO BE FILLED WITH THE BEGINNING (PUBLIC TV 1930S 1984) The firstbroadcasting tests happenned in the late 30s like in Germany. It is only in1945, after the second world war, that The Ordinance formalized the statemonopoly of broadcasting which was assigned to Radiodiffusion de France. TheRadiodiffusion de France has then included television in 1959 and became RTF(Radiodiffusion-Television de France). Established as a public companyaccountable to the Ministery of Information, RTF became an Office (ORTF) stillsupervised by the government. The events that happened in France in May 1968,have then helped the government to liberalize the medium. The government ofinformation was therefore abolished and in 1974, an Act divided the ORTF inseven different public companies which formed the public broadcasting service :TF1, Antenne 2, FR3, Radio France, TDF, SFP, INA. .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 , .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .postImageUrl , .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 , .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7:hover , .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7:visited , .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7:active { border:0!important; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7:active , .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7 .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u83163f1828bd718374217b3f0aac7dd7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Overpopulation EssayPrivate channels emerge in France with Canal Plus the crypted-paying channel in1984. This terrestical channel is owned by Havas. Canal Plus has to broadcast adaily clear program lasting from 45 minutes to
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